Tutoring Can Help Your Child Connect With Their Education
Tutoring Can Help Your Child Connect With Their Education

Tutoring Can Help Your Child Connect With Their Education

Has your child lost their motivation and passion for learning? Unfortunately, it happens to all of us at some point in our lives where we lose interest in our passions. However, the key to excelling in life is understanding how to push past these moments of frustration to succeed. If your child has lost their passion and motivation for learning, it’s essential to ignite the desire to learn and absorb information willingly. 

The typical school environment may become monotonous to many students. Learning in the same environment every day can be frustrating, especially if they feel they are not doing well as other classmates and don’t see the point in school. Introducing one-to-one tutoring is a great way to reinstate that lost passion for learning. Here at Aim High Tutoring, we make learning a fun and unique experience for each of our students, understanding that everyone learns in different ways. Therefore, we tailor each student’s education to fit them. This can be challenging for teachers to achieve as they have to teach large classes at once. However, teaching large groups isn’t always effective as each student has their own unique way of learning, which may be different to their teacher’s style. 

With tutoring, we aim to inspire students to become independent learners and inspire lifelong learning, which continues outside the classroom. Life is all about learning new things, and we want to equip students with the tools they need to succeed in life to the best of their ability. In addition, we want to help students understand why school and education are so important and why they have lost motivation and interest. By understanding where their lost motivation stems, we can harness this to help them learn in a more effective learning style. 

That is why at Aim High Tuition, we incorporate a vast range of teaching methods designed for each unique student to help them learn to the best of their ability. In addition, we want to make learning a fun time and encourage students to see how clever they truly are. 

Five ways tutors can re-engage learning 

Connect learning to the real world 

We all know that students in class often sit there wondering how they can ever apply this to real life. Therefore they struggle to see the point in learning. Connecting our lessons to the real world enables students to see the relevance and importance of education whilst also providing them with skills that will help them outside the classroom. 

Engage with students interests 

Showing an interest in students’ lives shows that tutors are there as friendly support. Building a strong rapport is essential for encouraging successful learning as students don’t just see tutors as boring. Instead, they recognise that they are just there to help. Students will therefore feel more comfortable making mistakes and experimenting with learning. Consequently, tutors can soon correct them to get back on track. 

Emphasise inquiry and discovery 

We don’t patronise students and ensure to lead them on a quest of knowledge seeking. This, therefore, shows how capable they are independently, and they are good at seeking out answers to important questions. We strongly encourage lots of questions that may be left unanswered in a big classroom; students have 100% of tutors time to answer all their questions. Encouraging inquiries allows students to gain the skills of seeking out information when they need it, rather than just moving with the general flow of the classroom. 

Gamify learning 

Games are the most powerful source of engagement for students, and they’re equally effective at driving learning. Introducing competitive elements creates a fun environment for learners, which motivates them to succeed and win. Also, by introducing incentives, students will be inspired to work harder and harder to gain prizes. 

Hear their say 

Sometimes, listening to a student’s needs is an excellent way to understand the best way to teach them and reconnect them with education. Therefore, we constantly ask if the teaching is at the right pace and help choose their work format from time to time, i.e. listening or reading. Giving students a choice fosters a sense of independence and ownership over their education. Therefore they will learn on their terms and thus be more willing to listen. 

As you can see, we want nothing more than to inspire a spark of passion towards education for our students. Therefore, we regularly keep up to date with new teaching methods so that lessons never become dull and our students genuinely enjoy learning with us. 

If you feel your child would benefit from tutoring, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today at Aim High Tuition, where we can assess your child’s needs to get them back on track to their bright future. 

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