Formula7 maths programme
Formula 7 is a unique programme aimed specifically at year 10 boys who are working around a grade 5 in maths with an aspiration to get a grade 7 BEFORE reaching year 11.
What is Formula7?
The 6-month intensive programme is delivered by Arif Mohid – a fully qualified Mathematics teacher with more than 10 years experience in an outstanding secondary school and founder of this successful tutoring company, Aim High Private Tuition.
I specialise in working specifically with Year 10 boys (aged 14 and 15) who are currently working at a grade 5 and struggling to move beyond. I work with these boys to motivate, teach and inspire them to Aim High and be on track for a grade 7 before they reach Year 11.
As a child, I was in the same position as many of the Year 10 boys I work with. Maths was the only subject I just couldn’t get. Later I found I had Dyscalculia and was told not to study A-Level Maths, but instead to pursue a vocational route. Little did my school and college know that few years down the line not only would I have graduated with a Masters in Aerospace Engineering, a very maths-heavy degree, but that I’d become a successful Maths teacher helping students just like me to excel in Maths.
Over my years of experience and working with this specific group of boys, I’ve learnt precisely what switches them from having no motivation to succeed in Maths to becoming excited and eager to achieve only the best results. I have seen so many boys walk though my doors who have gone from hating Maths to becoming successful and achieving the grade they were capable of, using just 4 simple steps.
Many boys will face similar challenges, whether it’s a lack of motivation or not knowing how to study maths. Just like me, they will get predicted low grades and discouraged from pursuing maths or other particular courses in higher education. For many, this will mean giving up on their dreams and aspirations.
But this can be avoided by simply following my 4 steps to success!
I firmly believe it is my duty to take advantage of my personal struggles as well as my expertise to inject it back into teenagers who have lost their spark for getting the top grades in their GCSE Maths.
Here is a link for you for my free 4-day challenge so you can see exactly how I use simple steps to get Year 10 boys on track for a grade 7 in Maths. Once you are accepted into the Facebook group, I’ll direct you to the 4-day challenge.